Privacy policy
Care Your Feelings is concerned with personal data usage and will NOT collect any personal identifiable information from users. You do not need to login before using any of the functions of this mobile application. There will be no advertisements or emails from this mobile application. You will receive push notification for new audio updates from time to time. Switching off push notification will not affect the core function of this application.

This Privacy Policy has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

「關懷您的心」著重個人數據使用,不會從用戶那裡收集任何可識別個人身份的信息。 使用此移動應用程序的任何功能之前,無需登錄。 此移動應用程序不會發送任何廣告或電子郵件。您將不時收到新音訊更新的推播通知。關閉推播通知不會影響本應用程式的核心功能。

本隱私政策為英文版本的翻譯版。 如果英文版本與中文版本之間存在任何歧義,則以英文版本為準。